Posted March 18, 2007 at 8:00 pm
Merry Saint Patrick's Day.
I guess. Does anyone honestly care about this holiday? I don't know. I'm not Irish and I'm not of legal drinking age so it isn't a particularly important day of the year for me.
I am, however, slightly relieved that it fell on a weekend this time around, because every year I get injured by my peers for not wearing green. I mean, come on. I don't own any green clothing. Leave me alone. I have no conceivable reason to be wearing green -- I don't regularly try to hide myself in forests, fleeing predators by camouflaging my body to the lush foliage.
I'm sure characters as inherently violent as the ones included in the Super Smash Bros series would take any excuse to wound things, though.
I'm thinking maybe I lapsed into a stroke while drawing the third panel of this comic and somehow made Link look like a Jew.